Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Pun With Halloween Costumes
Maybe you aren t the kind of person that does Halloween , or maybe you ll get a last minute invite to a party, or maybe you re just like everyone else and low on funds these days. Whatever the case, these Halloween costumes are easy to make, easy on the budget and easy on the eye.
At any rate, I guarantee you ll be a conversation starter. Everyone will be coming up to you and inquiring, What are you s pose to be?
White Trash
Put a hole in a white garbage bag, the kind labeled tall kitchen bags . Poke your head through the opening. Make optional openings for your arms. Suddenly your Britney s kinfolk. I beat out a whole Strawberry Shortcake gang with this costume
Sand Witch
Dress in all black, pour glue all over yourself and roll in sand. Wear any other witch accessories you d like. This ruined all the black clothes I wore the year I did this, but it was worth it.
Dress up in all blue. Cover yourself with large mounds of cotton. Carry a water gun.
When asked, What are you?
You say, Partly cloudy.
And then squirt them with your handy water pistol.
And laugh gleefully, With a chance of rain!
Cereal Killer
This is a classic pun costume; we ve all seen it before. Take mini-sized cereal boxes and stick knifes and fake blood on them. Attach all over your body.
Possible Couple Outfits
Blacked Eyed Susan
Using dark make-up; completely black out an eye. (I added use make-up because I don t one anyone trying to punch out their own eye!)
Dress in all yellow and make some kind of head covering that looks like petals. Oh and get a nametag that says, Hello, my name is Susan .
Black Eyed Pea
Dress in all green or browncompletely blacken an eye with make-up. You could also pin a picture on yourself of someone from the musical group Black Eyed Peas to really drill home the point.
Halloween is the one time of year where you can never have too much overkill. These suggestions should get your juices flowing; now see what you can come up with.
Topics: Halloween , Costumes Halloween Costumes
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